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Friday, October 18, 2013

Facts About Green Tea and Weight Loss

Americans have taken on the diet craze. Millions of Americans are suffering from obesity, and hundreds of thousands have decided to tread the path of weight loss. Nowadays, diet pills and products are viewed as an important tool for weight loss. Diet pills, particularly, are patronized by millions, with the hopes of helping them lose weight fast. If you look closely at some weight loss pills, you will find a common ingredient: green tea.

More than just a drink

Green tea has been viewed for the most parts as an Asian drink. It is a delicious and refreshing drink. But today, many scientists and experts are claiming that green tea also aids in weight loss. A study published by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition revealed that there is a strong link between green tea and weight loss.

The study revealed that green tea helps boost metabolism and helps you expend more energy. As a result, food is digested better and you gain lesser fat. One important ingredient of green tea is caffeine. Caffeine is also a known effective product for weight loss.

Not caffeine alone

Scientists, however, stress that caffeine alone does not make people lose weight. Several other ingredients found in green tea can also aid in weight loss. In another study conducted, results showed that people who take green tea and its alternatives lost 4% more weight compared to those who took caffeine alone. Also, green tea helps increase energy and boosts metabolism.

For More Related Topics Blog: Body Wrap Lose Weight

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