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Monday, September 30, 2013

Online Weight Loss Product - Some Warnings

An online weight loss product, according to would be experts, is the answer to all your weight loss problems. Dubbed as the magic bullet for weight loss, an online weight loss product can range from diet pills to diet patches; from hypnosis to strict eating habits.

How effective are weight loss products?

Although many websites claim that an online weight loss product such as diet pills is "safe and effective," these claims are either unsupported by scientific claims or are fraudulent. The problem with weight loss pills is that many people easily fall prey to the lofty remarks made by companies and manufacturers, without researching about the potential side effects of the product.

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Fasting and Weight Loss - How This Dynamic Duo Works Together!

Fasting and weight loss are the dynamic duo of all dieting systems. However, there is only one very simple way to fast for weight loss effectively and there are plenty of ways to do it wrong.

If you want to use fasting to lose weight, you cannot just dive in and stop eating for days at a time. If you do, you will find yourself gaining all your weight back and then some, after suffering through a long-term fast.

Also, you will lose important vitamins, endanger your health, destroy your exercise regime, find it very hard to work, and you will find your metabolism going down, down, down. Not a good thing.

What does all this add up to? Your long-term fast will only end up being a period of misery during which you will lose weight only to gain it back again when done. Your fasting and weight loss will be short term and a failure!

Why will you gain the weight back? Because long-term fasting slows your metabolism down, and a slow metabolism is a recipe for weight-gain. Besides that, this type of diet simply is not sustainable for long-term weight loss.

Needless to say, if you are fasting to lose weight, you must do it right.

What You Must Do To Make Fasting For Fat Loss Work Like A Charm!

Fasting and weight loss work together like a charm when done right. I know of no other way to eat what you want while losing weight. I know of no other way to lose a lot of weight fast and still be able to participate fully in an effective and healthy exercise regime, whether it be a simple muscle-toning regime or a full-on muscle-building program.

So what's the secret for losing weight by fasting?

Intermittent fasting.

Using intermittent fasting to lose weight is no doubt the most effective, inexpensive, and simple ways to lose weight. How does intermittent fasting work?

Fasting and weight loss (intermittent fasting, that is) work by creating a calorie deficit on your fasting day(s) without slowing your metabolism down. The great thing about this system is that there are no special foods to buy, there are no complicated diets to follow, you can eat what you want, and you will still lose weight!

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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Dietitian's Choice - Foods Which Encourage Weight Loss

What if the foods you consumed could help you attain quick weight loss? Numerous studies have confirmed that everything which we consume has an effect upon our weight. In this article I will discuss several foods which encourage quick and effective weight loss.

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Saturday, September 28, 2013

Daily Weight Loss Video Tips

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Acai Berries - Why Are Acai Berries More Effective Than Ordinary Fat Loss Pills?

Acai berries have been termed as the #1 'super food' in the world. One of the main reasons why acai berries are considered the best fat loss supplement is because they are capable of burning body fat at warp speed. Here is why they are better than ordinary weight loss pills.

1. They Are More Effective

The acai fruit is made up of rare nutrients. An acai supplement contains rare antioxidants, body building proteins, omega3 & omega9 fatty acids, rich dietary fibers, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. This is a perfect combination for effective weight loss and is not to be found in any other fat loss pill.

2. They Are Natural

The acai berry supplement is completely natural and free from any harmful side effects. As the supplement is derived from the acai fruit, there is no involvement of a chemical base. On the other hand, ordinary fat loss pills have ample quantities of chemicals which are harmful for the body.

3. They Are Permanent

If you are looking for a permanent weight loss, you need to use acai berries. The ingredients found in the acai fruit are perfect for ensuring permanent loss of weight. You therefore never regain weight again. This is not the case with the ordinary fat loss pills, as they simply flush out the water content from within the human body.

Acai berries are far more effective than ordinary fat loss pills because they are effective, natural and permanent in terms of weight loss. By using the acai supplement you not only loose weight, you also maintain the lost weight as well.

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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Free Weight Loss Tips and Information - Drinking Water and Weight Loss

If you think you will lose weight by only drinking water, and nothing else, think again. Drinking water without diet and exercise will not cause you to lose weight. Drinking enough water is vital to any weight loss program. Everybody knows that they should be drinking at least 8 glasses of water per day, by why is it so important? This article will explain why it is so important to keep hydrated - not only when dieting and exercising, but in general.

Why is drinking water so important?

- When your body is burning fat, it releases waste products. It is very important that you drink enough to get these out of your body.

- Water is vital to your liver in order to process the fat. Basically, if you are not drinking enough water, your body will not process as much fat.

- When you exercise, your muscles use up stored energy, called glycogen. Your muscles need water in order to recharge with glycogen.

How much water is enough?

It is generally accepted that we should all be drinking 8 glasses of water per day. Because we are all different, this amount will vary amount everyone. Personally, I like to drink close to a gallon of water per day. The fact remains that many people don't even drink 3 glasses of water per day.

How to figure out how much water to drink

There are ways to determine how much water your should be drinking. The first way, and I'll be extremely blunt, is to set a goal of two or three clear urinations per day. The second way is to take your weight and divide it by two. The number you get will be an estimate of how many ounces of water you should be drinking per day. So, if you weigh 200 pounds and divide it in half, you get 100. This means you should aim to drink 100 ounces of water, or roughly 10 glasses per day.

When drinking water, never gulp it down. You want to try to drink it evenly throughout your day. When you gulp down water, it will come right out as it goes right to your bladder. Remember to always drink enough water to stay well hydrated.

Easy Weight Loss - Tips For Losing Weight

Do you want to get into your old tightest trousers? Then it is the time to take matters into your own hand and lose a substantial amount of weight. Also this program will help you to lose as much weight as you need to become fit and healthy.

Below are some tips and instructions to help you in achieving this goal:

1. Your calorie intake should be lower than your body's calorie burning process.

You need to eat less food and burn more calories. You cat whatever healthy food you like if you can burn the calories.

2. Your calorie intake should be monitored

Monitor the calories of every food and drinks you consume throughout the day. Try your hardest to keep count of everything. In the night find out your total calorie intake and check your weight.

3. Eat 500 calories less

Reduce your daily calorie intake by 500 calories in the beginning. For example if you consume 2000 calorie then take 1500 calorie a day for a week.

4. Eat 5 short meals

Forget about taking a snack break in-between three big meals. Instead eat five small meals in a day. This will speed up your metabolism and help you to lose weight at a much faster rate.

5. Make a practical plan

You shout choose a dieting plan which best suits your need and amount of effort you are ready to put in. Also it's a good idea to include a few of your favorite healthy food with fewer calories in your diet. It would help you to stick to your diet. Also you would need to make little changes in your lifestyle.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Effective Weight Loss For Men Over 40

At your current age you have to realize that you are not in the prime time of your life anymore. In the past you were able to eat whatever you want and do whatever you want without any consequences. But slowly over the years you have added on a little bit of weight that you now have a hard time trying to get rid of.

You have tried just about everything on the market to try to lose those nagging extra pounds. You don't have to worry about it anymore because here are the effective ways to generate weight loss for men over 40.

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